Thursday 2 April 2009

Twilight Book

well since i have been at uni i havnt really had much time to just sit back and read a good book and so i have quite a few books that have piled up that i want to read. So of course after seeing twilight at the cinema and having a big love for anything vampire i decided to read the books, i had also heard that they were even more amazing then the film and they were right.

Well i am only half way through the first one at the mo (Twilight) but its amazing, its just one of those books you cannot put down, and at the end of the chapter it ends in such a way that you cannot help but carry on reading even though its turned 2am and you know you should be going to sleep but your brain just keeps telling you one more chapter go on, it won't hurt lol. it has a way of drawing you in and not wanting to let go. Which in my eyes is always the best kinda book even though u have to deal with the lack of sleep lol, but thankfully i havn't got any early mornings at the mo so that is not a problem. The book is just amazing the way its written and the interaction between the characters normally makes me smile the whole time i am reading it lol.

I only have the first 3 books at the moment just waiting for the 4th one to come down in price and i will be getting that. i recommend this book to anyone and everyone its just sooooo amazing and a feel good book. i can't wait till i have read all of them and i will probably read them again just to make sure they are forever imbeded in my head.

Book 1 = Twilight

Book 2 = New moon

Book 3 = Eclipse

Book 4 = Breaking dawn

if you would like more information on the books then here is the link

Wednesday 1 April 2009


ok now all uni blogging has finished i can finally post up some more interesting things - which will follow shortly